100m Dual Technology Bistatic Sensor MIR-B100
10-100m Dual Technology MicroWave Bistatic Sensor 24.15GHz MIR-B100 - Forteza
MIB-B100 - 100m Dual Technology Microwave Bistatic 24.15 GHz & Infrared Sensor - FORTEZA
The sensors are used for the protection of long perimeter sectors with high requirements for the mean time for false alarm, i.e. high immunity for industry, natural and common interference. There are two modifications of Dual Technology sensors, Bistatic – MIR-B and Monostatic – MIR-M.
The principle of operation: we achieved the high interference immunity of the sensor thanks to the combination of two different physical principles of operation – bistatic (monostatic) microwave (MW) and active (passive) infrared (IR), i.e. two ways of intrusion detection.
Different interferences influence differently on the processing channels. For example, the litter raised by the wind can activate the IR channel and the MW channel will stay inactive. That is why combination of these two physical principles and alarm initialization at the activation of both channels allowed to increase significantly the interference immunity.
There is no complete analogues of our sensors in architecture, design and integrated functionality.
The sensors are used to protect big and small industrial factories, military bases, transport structure, etc.
As the alarm is generated only at the activation of both channels, the resultant detection zone in case of bistatic dual technology sensors has small dimensions – the dimensions of the IR beam. Like this we can use the sensors for the protection of perimeter sectors requiring extra narrow detection zone.
The high survivability of the sensor is assured thanks to the performance of the sensor in case of failure or false alarming of one of the detection channels.
The principle of operation is based on the operation of two channels working on two different physical principles of detection: bistatic microwave and bistatic infrared.
The sensors performance is the most effective on direct perimeter sectors requiring extra narrow detection zone, for example, if the sensors are installed by the top of the fence, in
corridors, in areas near side-walks and roads, etc.
MIR sensors operate on 24,15 GHz.
The essential advantage of the sensors is the high interference immunity.
The sensors have USB and RS-485 interfaces for work with special software. The software make it easy to start up the sensors and assures correct configuration of parameters.
In spite of apparent difficulty of the sensors, they are easy to operate. They do not require special knowledge of staff and are not expensive.
Detection length : 100m
The principle of operation is based on the operation of two channels working on two different physical principles of detection: monostatic microwave and monostatic infrared.
We use the sensor FM-30 for microwave channel of MIR sensors. That is why all the advantages and features of FM are appropriate to MIR sensors, especially:
- using of special software via USB or RS-485 interfaces allows to configure correctly the sensor in-field as well as remotely from the guard room.
- the sensors detection zone is divided into sub zones, every sub zone can be configured separately, any sub zone can be disconnected to make secured passages for people or transport through gates.
- the sensors have 5 frequency letters allowing to install and operate them near each other.
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100m Dual Technology Bistatic Sensor MIR-B100
10-100m Dual Technology MicroWave Bistatic Sensor 24.15GHz MIR-B100 - Forteza