Contact controlled industrial GSM transmitter, 5 inputs, 8 phone number ProCon GSM - ASC Global
This remote transmitter can be programmed to send an SMS and/or voice message if the signal reaches the input. You can programme 8 different phone numbers to be contacted and the type of message each will receive depending on which input is triggered.
The voice call can be siren sound or a pre-recorded voice message (basic text: 16 sec., message: 8 sec.).
Event notification: input alarm, tamper, ext. power monitoring, life signal sending.
SMS message can be set individually or depending by the alarm event or from the restore. The ringing time of the call, the redial of the number and the function of the circular calling can be set separately.
The output can be controlled by voice call for free: free access from any telephone number or up to the memory of the SIM card (250 pcs). The output can be monostable (max. 65000 sec.) or bistable.
If you want to use it like an alarm control panel the input will be the zone and the output will control the siren, while the phone call will manage to arm/disarm the system.
SIM functions: forwarding of incoming SMS, warning message of the SIM expiring date, maintenance warning.
Calendar of events: 16 000 event buffer (input, output, tamper, power failure, output control based on the caller).
Strength of the GSM signal is checked and logged in every hour into a seperate memory.
The battery pack allows the device to have a warning message of power failure and to operate for 24 hours.
Multiple SMS and full PC programming.
Expansion modules: output, temperature measurement, control panel, microphone connection.
Delivered with a SMA-Mini Antenna, without box