Sirène Banshee, basse fréquence, 94 dBA, certifiée ATEX et IEC Ex IS28VCL Vimpex ATEX Banshee SounderSirène Banshee, basse fréquence, 94 dBA, certifiée ATEX et IEC Ex IS28VCL Vimpex ATEX Banshee Sounder

ATEX Banshee Sounder IS28VCL

ATEX and IEX Ex certified Banshee Sounder, low frequency, 94 dBA IS28VCL Vimpex

IS28VCL - ATEX & IEC Ex Banshee Intrinsically Low frequency Safe Sounder Vimpex

The IS28 Banshee is an intrinsically safe sounder for use in hazardous areas. It is available with four tones: buzz, fast sweep, slow sweep and continuous.
The low frequency model has the sound output centred on 900Hz to satisfy installations that demand a low frequency sounder.
The IS28 has been ITS approved to ATEX and is suitable for use in all zones (0, 1 and 2). The IS28 has also been approved to IEC Ex by Testsafe for mining applications. The product should only be connected to the fire alarm system via an approved galvanic isolator or zener barrier.



- Based on the established Banshee sounder
- Low current consumption
- High and low frequency versions
- Four user selectable tones
- Volume control fitted as standard
- Model suitable for use in mining applications




Conventional Sounder Banshee Excel8 inch Fire bell for outdoor use, 24 VDC AB380E
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